Psycho (1960)
Psycho (1960)
Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho is a groundbreaking psychological horror film that changed the genre forever. The film follows Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), who steals a large sum of money and checks into the isolated Bates Motel. There, she meets Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), the polite but strange motel owner. As Marion disappears, a private investigator (Martin Balsam) and Marion’s sister (Vera Miles) begin to search for her. The film’s iconic twist ending is one of the most famous in cinema history, and the chilling atmosphere, especially the unsettling portrayal of Norman Bates and his "mother," has kept audiences on edge for decades. Hitchcock’s innovative use of suspense, shocking violence, and the exploration of psychological themes like identity and guilt continue to influence filmmakers and horror fans.
Richard Boyd